getting started.


Hey Faith? Why ceramics?

Wow. You are just so inquisitive. Some of my fondest memories growing up were spent around the island in my parents' kitchen and at the dinner table my brother made—early morning coffee with my dad before he went to work, peeling home grown apples for apple crisp, sitting around the table with all 7 of my siblings, and late night chats in the dimly lit kitchen. I was always the kid that, when asked to set the table, would put the silver candle sticks out, use the “nice plates”, and try my best to go all out. When asked why I did this by my parents I would always respond simply, “we’re celebrating.”


“we’re celebrating”

I still do the same thing today. Every time I set the table or pick out mugs for coffee in the morning, I always choose the most beautiful pieces I have. Because why not celebrate? Why not be so excited not only for the food you will eat but the time you are taking to connect with the people around you or yourself? In my life a meal or a cup of coffee has always been the thing to bring people together and connect. So why not make that meal or cup of coffee special? That’s just the smallest bit of how I got into this.

Michael Miller